Historical Fashion Sticker Books :: Book Sharing Monday

We have used sticker books as a fun resource for learning about the history of fashion. Celeste loves Usborne sticker books, especially the series of sticker dolly dressing. 

I have written about our unit study on the story of fashion here "Making History Fun: History of Fashion Mini Study", if you would like to read more. 

Today, we thought about sharing two of the main sticker books we enjoyed using while learning about fashion. Next week, I will share another "Learning with Sticker Books" post, on a different topic. 

The Clothes & Fashion Sticker Book is a great overview of the history of fashion, covering from the first fashions of Ancient Egyptians to the 1960s. Each double page includes a lot of information the time period. Key looks for women and men, hairstyles, fabrics used, and accessories. The stickers are often photographs of actual fashion pieces. 

There is a directory of designers and a timeline at the back of the book, also with stickers to place. 

Here is a quote from the New Looks page:

"In 1947, Paris designer Christian Dior launched his first big collection, bringing a luxurious, romantic look back into fashion. After making do with practical clothes during the War, women were eager to adopt what became know as the New Look."

In the 1920s Fashion Historical Sticker Dolly Dressing, the sticker book focuses on the 1920s time period and different settings for the clothes such as at the pool, college fashions, a Paris shopping trip...

There is a double page of Coco Chanel that we found interesting:

This book is thinner than the Clothes & Fashion Sticker book but still was interesting to read and work with. 

Here is a quote: 

"The tomb of Tutankhamun, an Ancient Egyptian king, was discovered in 1922. Packed with beautiful treasures, like this, it caused great excitement around the world. Fashion designers were inspired to introduce Egyptian elements into their work. This movement became known as the Egyptian Revival."

All the stickers are organized at the back of each book with captions that refer to the page title, making it easy to match the stickers: 

If you would like to join in Book Sharing Monday, join in at anytime by sharing books on your blog and let me know by leaving a comment! Thank you and happy reading! 


  1. My girls love the Usborne sticker books too, but we don't have these. They look great. Thanks for sharing. I just wrote about what I was reading yesterday: http://lovingandmindful.blogspot.com/2014/06/just-thinking.html

  2. Aren't historical fashions so interesting? Cool idea to have it as a sticker book - that gets the kids following along and paying attention! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. These look great! Much better than just reading about it and much easier than making full-blown costumes. Tucking this idea into my virtual filing cabinet for when we get to this topic.


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