an appreciation post

Harmony Art Mom is one of my favourite blogs, and she also sells some of her plans at Harmony Fine Arts. She writes many useful posts about how to include music and art appreciation in your homeschool.

The whole blog is worth reading, but there is a ton of information, so here is one of the latest post about music appreciation that I appreciated. It includes links to logs which are free to download.

Appreciating great music: for children and moms too.

Barb also hosts Sketch Tuesday and another blog of hers is the Handbook of Nature Study blog, which my family takes part in regularly.

I will probably never meet her in person, but I think the work she does for homeschoolers is awesome! I have recommended her blog to many homeschool moms and will continue to do so. If you have never visited her blogs, but are interested in music and art appreciation or nature study, take a few moments to visit her using the links I added throughout this post!


  1. Alex,

    You made my whole makes the effort to blog worth every minute when you know you are helping other moms with their homeschooling.

    I have enjoyed getting to know you better over the last months and I feel like we are connected through this worldwide internet homeschooling community. It truly has no borders.

    I appreciate your kind words and I want you to know that you inspire me too. :)

  2. We ♥ Barb (Harmony Art Mom), too! What a great way to show your appreciation!


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