Canadian Nature ~ Part Four: Insects

This month's theme for the Canadian Homeschool Blogging Team is to write five posts about something Canadian! 

I am choosing to focus on Canadian Nature Study. My family and I loved observing nature, whether it is in our own backyard or when we visit a park or nature trail. 

Over the years I have written many blog posts about nature study and at times it has been part of our homeschool routine. Nature has been part of our lives and has brought a lot of wonder and enjoyment to us. 

Over the course of the five posts, I will be sharing with you some of my favourites from my blog archives, with a focus for each post on a particular field of nature study. 

Previous posts in this series: 

Canadian Nature: Seasons
Canadian Nature: Wildflowers. 
Canadian Nature: Birds. 

Part Four is about Insects! 

Insects can be so interesting to observe and we have included them in our nature studies over the years, as well as just taking advantage of "unscheduled" observations. I am sharing with you just a few of my favourite insects posts. 

Black Swallowtail Buttefly, Ontario.

The Black Swallowtail butterfly is a beautiful insect. We observed one that probably had just emerged from its chrysalis near our home. It was quite docile and my son was able to let it rest on his hand so we could look at it very closely. 

Black Swallowtail Butterfly, Ontario

We also saw a pair of the same type of butterfly at the beach. They were flying around each other and landing on the beach often. 

We have enjoyed learning about butterflies and seeing them up close, especially when we lived in Ontario. We haven't seen as many since moving to the island, maybe because we live in the city. 

Here are a few favourite posts about butterflies:

* Nature Study at the Beach
* Black Swallowtail Buttefly

Female Green Darner Dragonfly in Ontario

Dragonflies are also very interesting to watch. Dragonflies are also a beautiful insect to observe, just like butterflies! We see them closer to ponds and bodies of water. We have seen a few more here on the island, I don't have any photos though! 

Widow Skimmer Dragonfly in Ontario

The Widow Skimmer Dragonfly visited the pond near our Ontario home and I noticed it often during my walks there. 

Widow Skimmer Dragonfly in Ontario
I have a few more photos and information about this dragonfly at this post: 

* Summer Nature Study at the Pond

Damselflies are sometimes confused with dragonflies, but they are a little different. When at rest, their wings fold as you can see in the photo below. Dragonflies keep their wings out at rest. 

Common Blue Damselfly in Ontario.

The Ladybug (or Ladybird) is one of my favourite insects. I have always found it so cute, and it is good for the garden! 

Ladybug, Prince Edward Island

* Ladybird ~ October Nature Study

I will be writing two more posts focusing on Canadian Nature during this month of July, as part of the monthly posts for the Canadian Homeschool Blogging Team. 
